Watch as Ukrainian ‘Dragon’ Drone Unleashes Molten Thermite to Obliterate Russian Tank!

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Screenshot of <a class=footage ⁣depicting ⁣the fallout of dragon drones spraying Russian ​tanks with molten thermite.” />
Screenshot from a video showing ⁣a Ukrainian “dragon drone” targeting a Russian tank.

  • Recent ⁤footage reveals ​a Ukrainian “dragon” drone seemingly ​obliterating a⁢ Russian tank using “molten thermite.”
  • The‍ clip was posted on X by‍ Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense.
  • Military analysts suggest⁤ that these drones are intended‍ to instill fear ⁤among Russian ‌forces.

A newly released video⁣ appears ‍to depict⁣ a Ukrainian ‍”dragon” drone ⁢successfully destroying‌ a Russian tank.

This footage was shared on X by Ukraine’s⁢ defense ministry, which ⁢claimed in its post that the drone unleashed “molten thermite” upon the enemy vehicle.

According to Forbes, this incident⁣ occurred near Minkivka in eastern Ukraine.

Business Insider has not been able to independently⁣ verify the authenticity of this video.

Reports indicate ‌that Ukrainian forces began deploying thermite drones as early as September when​ several videos emerged online showing‍ these drones dispersing incendiary ​materials capable of melting metal structures.

Thermite ⁤is⁤ composed ⁢of ‍aluminum powder mixed with metal oxide and can burn at‌ temperatures reaching approximately 4,000 degrees​ Fahrenheit⁤ when‌ ignited.

James Patton Rogers, an expert on drones and executive⁣ director​ at the​ Cornell ‍Brooks Tech Policy Institute, previously noted that while thermite ​has ​been utilized in military operations ⁢for decades, employing drones⁣ for⁢ its deployment represents an innovative and intimidating evolution⁤ in modern warfare. He emphasized that such​ tactics could compel ‍enemy retreats through sheer ​terror and destruction caused by fire from above.

“The widespread presence of drones over battlefields is⁣ already daunting; now troops must also face the ⁢very real danger posed by molten metal raining down,” stated Patton Rogers.

The Ministry of ⁤Defense reported on Saturday that since February 2022,⁣ Ukrainian forces ⁢have reportedly destroyed ⁤8,916 Russian​ tanks ⁣during ongoing hostilities.

This⁢ escalating⁢ loss of equipment ⁢will ‍likely exacerbate ‍Russia’s increasing defense expenditures amid soaring inflation⁣ rates ‌within the country. In response⁢ to persistent inflationary pressures, Russia’s central bank ​raised ‌its key interest rate to 19% in September.

Read ⁣more about this topic ⁣on Business Insider


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