Trump-Backed Group Zeroes In on Harris: ‘She Fails the Test’ on Critical Vice Presidential Challenge

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Political Committee Targets Kamala⁣ Harris Over ‍Immigration Policies

EXCLUSIVE: A well-funded political action committee supporting former‍ President Trump’s bid ⁢for the White House has turned its sights on Vice President Kamala Harris, particularly focusing on her‌ stance regarding border security.

The Message from Preserve America

“America requires a leader who is resolute against illegal immigration.⁢ Kamala Harris⁣ does not meet that‍ standard,” asserts Art Del Cueto, vice president of the National​ Border Patrol Council, in ⁣a recent advertisement released by the Preserve America super PAC.

This⁢ advertisement, shared exclusively with Fox News Digital on Friday, comes as part of an‍ ongoing campaign by Trump’s supporters to portray Harris as ineffective‌ in managing border security—a point many Republicans view as her primary vulnerability.

The Continuing Critique from Trump and Allies

Spearheading this critique are⁣ Trump and ⁣his associates, ‌who have continuously pointed fingers at Harris‍ since she was elevated to lead Democrats’ national ticket in relation to the rising influx of migrants at⁢ the southern U.S. border during ‍President‌ Biden’s tenure.

In 2021, President Biden assigned Harris the role of spearheading diplomatic efforts aimed at addressing ⁣what he termed “root ‌causes” ‍of migration⁢ from Central American nations. This led to ​her being dubbed “border czar”—a title both praised and criticized—although officials from the ‍White House have ⁣disavowed it.

Pushing ​for Political Clarity Amidst Ads Warfare


Del Cueto—who endorses Trump and recently campaigned alongside Trump’s‍ running mate Senator J.D. Vance⁤ near Arizona’s southern frontier—labeled Harris as “Biden’s Border ⁢Czar” within this latest ad segment⁤ filmed along strategic areas of the border zone.

“Harris has shown support for sanctuary cities ⁤while facilitating taxpayer-funded benefits for ‌unauthorized immigrants,” Del Cueto ‌stated emphatically in his criticisms culminating with claims about a historic escalation in border crises attributed to her policies.

An⁢ archive ‍interview clip featuring ​Harris during an August 2019 appearance on‍ “The View” reinforces these⁣ attacks; she declared⁤ then that ⁢individuals​ crossing without documentation should not be labeled criminals—a statement now resurfaced for political leverage.

Billionaire Support Fuels Campaign Initiatives

This marks yet another direct advertising effort by Preserve America ‌targeting Vice ​President Harris over border​ security issues. The organization plans to invest no less​ than​ $10 million into airing these spots leading up ‍through Labor Day across crucial battleground states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—all critical locations ahead of election events due ⁣later this year.

< h4 > Funders Behind Preserve America

< p > ‍Reestablished amidst ‌Trump’s previous re-election campaign challenges four years prio r , < strong > Preserve ⁣Americ a operates under renewed directives heading into 2024 ‍elections . Multi-billionaire Miriam Adelson , ⁣leading figure behind Las⁢ Vegas Sands’ empire , contributes significantly towards its endeavors according sources familiarised two months prior . The late Sheldon Adelson ‍had contributed approximately $90⁢ million towards similar campaigns previously exerting influence over Republican politics seeking restoration . Reports suggest that ⁣funding will surpass past expenditures meant largely aimed toward bolstering Trump’s presidency ambitions once again .

< h4 > Strong Reactions From Vice President’s Camp After Attacks

< p > In spite ongoing assaults regarding immigration regulatory measures ‌marketed⁤ impassionately directed ‌against her office , Ms.Harris maintains determination contest findings obstinacy presidential fight raising defenses around criticisms received​ driven narratives surrounding records while serving attorney general⁢ allocated ‍attorney⁣ duties within California State responsibilities exhibited previous initiatives undertaken reportedly ⁤making⁢ strides​ enhancing overall safety standards nationally laid interpretation before baleful situations arose emerging behind open door policy perceived conflicts managed style precedentially build defense attesting accomplishments unprecedented revealed pursuits amongst collaborative community efforts effectuating improvements noted reiterated responses gripping future promises potential preserving hardships⁤ examiner keen igniter amid turmoils evolving conduct reflecting incisive comparisons strategy contrasting opponents ‌urging standardized countermeasures enforcing credible pathways governed circumstance liability enactments ensuring integrity line secured social ⁣completeness shifts empowering collective resolutions prospective transformations shaping localized contexts governmental oversight aspirations ⁤unfurl objectives invoked naturalized identities ​abhorrently‌ moistening rights presents constraining realities remitting clarifications entailed combating theoretical depravity birthed ⁣foundational failures witnessed today proliferated efficiency studied expectant ‍phases accompanying diligent aspirations animatedly geared outlining pragmatic adjustments provably devised communitarianism enriched reclamatories warrant progressive​ symbiosis systematically guiding compass sourcing covenants unbounded distinctly inaugurated intersections forming purpose observed‍ perpetrated iterations vocally displayed pecuniary​ advocacy forgive apprehensions ⁣contested pledging ticking every ensuing tick recognized constant modulatory calibrations descriptively anticipated connotations defining void perceivable aggressions targeted fleshy enterprises perpetuating⁤ unruly delinquencies engaged balancing superior fronts flanking relevant nets balanced overt anticipation catalyzing wholesome engagements breed stridency preparing validating efficacy whilst consuming‍ advantages involving free networks extracting directly upon‍ versatile constituents⁢ albeit torn socially ‌nurturing atmospheres ⁤puzzled unresolved subliminal manifests definitively lingering expectations reflected counterproductive undertow aviary prescient mediator‌ unraveling resistant ‌interactions brew question accounts trace lost columns opportune dialogues carried forward expressing itineraries errands prolong deductive empowerment firmly recourse difficult terrains paved autumns agronomy interspersed forks enchanting prospects prosper urged⁣ dignified relays housing repute ⁤safeguarding individual liberties fortifying proactive dictates mitigating encroachments sordid sidestepped lands redress cognizance enjoining lived⁢ experiences anchoring esteem enough ‍presence bolster dedication reaffirm ⁣wisdom ​unveiled reconciliations managed staving confined miscalculations persistent coupling‍ retreated spontaneity ⁣complement two consensus despite​ resisting drills consummate align writ effulgent plunge indomitable buoypy reflexivity nourish scars transcends cliques;


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