Russia Disconnects Its Troops from Discord: The Surprising Impact on Ukraine’s Battlefield Coordination

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A Ukrainian drone takes flight with a package. A ⁤phone screen shows the logo of gaming messaging platform Discord.
Russian ⁤and Ukrainian forces have utilized Discord for coordinating​ drone ⁢operations, but Moscow imposed⁣ a ban on the platform⁣ this past Tuesday.

  • Moscow has prohibited the ⁤use of Discord, which Russian troops relied upon for ⁣drone coordination.
  • The⁣ ban was enacted by federal regulators ​who expressed concerns about potential criminal ⁣activities associated with the platform.
  • Observers of the conflict argue ​that this decision may weaken Russia’s military capabilities.

On Tuesday, Russian state media announced ‌that authorities had officially banned Discord, a popular messaging and voice communication service originating from the United States. While initially favored by gamers, it has increasingly been adopted for tactical communications in Ukraine.

The Roskomnadzor​ agency, responsible for internet regulation in Russia, informed ⁤TASS news agency that they blocked access to Discord due ​to fears it could be exploited for illegal activities such as drug trafficking and disseminating extremist content.

The regulator ‌referenced an⁣ earlier demand made to Discord ⁣to eliminate 947 instances of “illegal material,” noting that some content remained accessible. Additionally, they highlighted a ⁣previous fine imposed ‌on Discord amounting to $100,000 due to its failure‍ to ​remove child exploitation images and adequately manage⁢ user-generated content.

Anton Gorelkin, deputy chair of the ⁤State⁢ Duma’s information policy‍ committee, criticized Discord on Tuesday for disregarding Russian laws. He stated that the platform had reached an irreparable point regarding compliance with local regulations.

A number of lawmakers ⁤expressed their discontent over this ban on Tuesday. Vladislav Davankov, deputy chair of the State Duma remarked that many​ individuals‍ in Russia—including students and online ⁢educators—frequently utilize this platform. He indicated plans to contest Roskomnadzor’s ruling.

This prohibition is expected‍ to impact military operations at front lines ⁢in Ukraine where both Ukrainian and Russian forces have been ‌observed using Discord for coordinating drone missions effectively.

Numerous videos circulating online ​depict uniformed personnel monitoring surveillance feeds from drones through this ⁣application; one particular video purportedly showcases activity within a command post located in Bakhmut.

Discord enables users to participate in private group⁣ voice‍ calls⁤ while also allowing them to stream live video from their screens or cameras directly within these calls.

Ekaterina⁣ Mizulina leads Safe Internet League—a government-affiliated organization—and cautioned that ‌”Discord is extensively utilized during SVO,” referring specifically to Russia’s special military operation terminology. She noted there are dedicated‌ closed conferences set ⁣up ‍specifically for viewing ‌footage captured by drones among other​ equipment ‌types. Mizulina emphasized how superior ⁣image ⁢quality provided by Discord ‍makes it invaluable during operations; she labeled its prohibition as misguided on her Telegram channel.

This stance marks a significant shift from her previous advocacy back ‌in 2022 when she called for banning both Twitch and Discord over concerns related primarily around⁢ gaming addiction issues within Russia’s youth population.

Pundit Roman⁤ Alekhine characterized Roskomnadzor’s action as detrimental not only towards civilian usage but also potentially harmful towards operational effectiveness at frontline positions—raising questions about⁢ whether authorities genuinely⁣ aim toward victory.

Alekhine ⁤anticipated officials would ⁣cite risks concerning intelligence leaks stemming from⁤ non-military‍ communication platforms yet suggested they should provide alternative services‍ suitable enough so troops can⁣ maintain effective coordination without disruption.

A number ‍of ⁤military bloggers⁣ reported disruptions already occurring⁣ among certain units’ drone operations following implementation measures ⁤against accessing closed rooms previously used via discord channels.
“Control points across numerous⁤ units experienced interruptions regarding broadcasts ​relayed through secured discord rooms,”⁤ lamented blogger ‍Troika while asserting these​ setbacks reverted capabilities back “to levels seen during March 2022.”


The Context Behind The‌ Ban

Moscow’s Crackdown ⁤On Western Platforms

The announcement regarding banning ‌access came ‌amidst broader efforts undertaken by Moscow aimed at restricting⁢ Western digital platforms since hostilities began last year; Facebook along with X (formerly Twitter)‍ faced⁤ complete shutdowns alongside throttling measures applied against YouTube while numerous European news outlets found themselves blocked entirely.

Meanwhile VK—the largest ⁣domestic social media network operating within Russia—reported⁣ impressive growth figures: annual revenue surged 19% year-on-year throughout 2022 followed closely behind another remarkable increase⁣ reaching upwards towards 36% year-on-year recorded thus far into early stages⁤ throughout current fiscal period according reports released recently.

Accordingly,VKontakte—the primary social media service offered ​under VK umbrella—expanded daily active user base significantly ‍rising approximately 19% between Q1’22 (73 million users) & ​Q4’23 (87 ‍million users).

Both parties involved ⁣including representatives from discord itself along with officials representing Roskomnadzor ‌&‍ Ministry Of Defense did not respond promptly when approached⁤ outside regular business hours seeking comments pertaining developments surrounding recent events unfolding here today.

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