Obama’s Top Strategist Warns: Kamala Harris is Surging, But It’s Still Trump’s Race to Win!

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Former President⁢ Donald Trump at a ‍campaign rally in​ Minnesota; Vice President Kamala Harris at a political event in ⁤Texas.
According to ⁣former advisor David Axelrod, “There’s hope now, but this race is firmly ​Trump’s‌ to throw away.”
  • Transitioning from Biden to Harris doesn’t ​ensure the Democratic Party’s victory this November.
  • “It’s undoubtedly Trump’s contest to manage,” states David Axelrod.
  • Axelrod emphasizes caution for the Democrats during an interview featured on CNN.

Former Obama ⁣strategist David Axelrod ⁣cautions‍ that Vice President Kamala Harris faces significant challenges if she intends to secure a‌ win against former President Donald Trump ​in the upcoming ​election.

In ⁤a recent dialogue with CNN’s Jessica Dean, ⁤Axelrod expressed ​concern that Democratic supporters might be overly ⁢optimistic regarding Harris’s prospects as the presumptive nominee​ following the uncertainty surrounding Biden’s renomination.

“Currently, there exists​ an atmosphere of unfounded positivity among Democrats due to prior anxieties about what November might bring,” ​stated Axelrod.

The turning ​point came when Harris was declared the designated⁢ Democratic nominee after weeks of‍ speculation regarding Biden’s capability amid concerns ⁢over his age and performance. In late June, following an unflattering⁣ debate against Trump, calls for Biden’s ⁢withdrawal intensified from party⁣ insiders ⁣and major contributors alike. ⁢Ultimately, ‍he stepped aside on July 21 and⁤ endorsed Harris for leadership.

However, simply replacing Biden with ‍Harris does not equate ‌to assured defeat for Trump. As​ noted by Axelrod—who played an essential role in securing victories for Barack Obama—this election​ remains⁣ firmly within Trump’s grasp.⁢

“People are feeling optimistic about chances now; it is distinctly Trump’s contest to lose,” remarked⁢ Axelrod during his conversation. He pointed⁤ out⁣ that polling data suggests Trump maintains leads across many pivotal ‌states crucial for victory.

“It has become a competitive landscape; however, right now Trump holds significant advantages. The Democratic side​ must recognize⁣ this reality,”⁤ he advised.

The ongoing preparations by Team Trump have ​primarily focused on countering a ticket led ⁤by Biden up until the unexpected announcement of his withdrawal from ⁢contention.

A campaign advisor explained back in March that⁤ “Joe‍ Biden lacks substantial advantages ‍going into this,” while noting some‌ inherent⁤ strengths among Democrats themselves as well.”

This sudden shift certainly took them off guard; JD Vance—the senator from Ohio who serves as Trump’s‌ running ⁢mate—admitted last month that transitioning focus toward Kamala‌ felt unexpectedly jarring: akin to “a political sucker punch.”

Citing their‌ underestimation of her capacity compared with any perceived liabilities tied to Joe Biden’s tenure Vance commented: “The downside here is that Kamala‍ does not ​come with Joe’s historical baggage‍ — she’s notably⁤ younger and appears more robust compared to what we’ve seen previously.”

Representatives from both campaigns have yet been unable or willing to‌ provide comment outside⁤ standard business hours regarding‌ these unfolding events.

View the original article ‌on​ Business Insider


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