Unlocking Engagement: Meta’s Threads Chief Reveals Top Tips for Posting Amidst the Buzz on Engagement Bait!

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Meta executives​ are⁤ cautious about promoting news on Threads, yet recent events indicate‍ its potential for thriving in‍ that area.

  • Meta ⁣has released new guidelines for creators on Threads regarding ⁤engaging content and optimal posting frequency.
  • The platform is currently facing scrutiny over engagement-bait tactics.
  • We interviewed ⁣Meta’s ‍head of Threads to gain insights into the platform’s‌ recommendations for creators.

Despite criticism surrounding engagement-bait posts on ‍Threads, Meta remains committed to its ‍stance that posts designed to “spark conversation” should be prioritized in recommendations.

If you haven’t been following the developments on Threads, here’s a brief overview:

Last month, Katie Notopoulos from ⁢Business Insider conducted an experiment with provocative ​content on Threads. She discovered that posts inciting anger often‌ garnered significant interaction and visibility within ‌the app.

This revelation has sparked ongoing discussions about rage baiting, moderation policies, and political discourse within ​this Twitter-like environment.

Recently, Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram and overseer of Threads, acknowledged in a post that Meta ‌is aware of the rise in​ engagement baiting and​ is actively‍ working‍ to​ address it. He also admitted last Friday that there were ⁣”errors” identified in their ⁣content ⁤moderation practices.

This debate​ coincides with a surge in user activity on Threads. As⁣ reported by marketing intelligence firm Sensor Tower, as of September 2023, the platform boasted over 230 million monthly active users globally. The last official figure ⁢shared by‌ Mosseri indicated⁣ that it had surpassed 200 ⁣million users as of August. In comparison, Sensor Tower estimated X (formerly Twitter) had around 315 million global monthly active users during the⁣ same⁢ period.

I spoke with Emily Dalton Smith, Vice President of Product ⁣Management at Meta and head of Threads. We discussed her latest insights for creators utilizing the app and what lies ahead for them.

If there’s one key message Dalton Smith‌ wants creators to take away from our discussion: ⁢remember‌ that it’s fundamentally “a real-time conversation app.”

“Most content will circulate within just a few hours throughout the day,” Dalton Smith ​explained. “Focusing your discussions around current events will significantly enhance your ‌reach.”

Key Insights from Our Discussion with Emily Dalton Smith

  • The Importance of Engagement: ⁣ Posts fostering conversations are more likely to be recommended by Meta. According to Dalton Smith, replies are crucial; ⁤she advises creators engage ‌actively with their⁤ audience as well as ‌other contributors‌ to boost visibility and interaction rates.
  • No Immediate Plans for Direct Messaging: When ⁤asked ‍about direct ‌messaging features⁤ within Threads, Dalton⁣ Smith stated there are ⁢no ‌current plans but​ hinted at future possibilities aimed at enhancing user⁣ connectivity ⁤through other means like Instagram DMs for sharing content directly from threads.
  • Acknowledging AI-Generated Content: While discussing AI-generated material seen frequently across feeds—like videos featuring cats strutting down runways—Dalton Smith confirmed using tags indicating AI origin won’t negatively impact distribution metrics; rather they encourage transparency among users regarding such labels.
  • Status Quo on Monetization ​Efforts: Although limited monetization tests have begun this⁣ year​ within threads’ ecosystem according to Dalton ‌Smith’s comments—advertising initiatives remain absent​ currently while they focus primarily upon refining application functionalities first before expanding‌ revenue streams further down line!
  • The Best Times To Post:“Weekends appear particularly advantageous,” noted dalton smith who emphasized higher engagement levels observed during these periods due largely because threads operates ‌dynamically! Creators should⁢ aim posting between two-five times weekly since frequent updates correlate positively towards increased impressions ⁤per post!”
Read more details originally published by ⁣Business Insider⁣ here!


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