First Time Flying Spirit Airlines: A Surprising Experience with a Catch in the New Ticket System!

3 Min Read
A Spirit Airlines aircraft.
Spirit Airlines​ has completely revamped its ticketing ‍approach.

  • I recently took a flight with ⁤Spirit Airlines from New York to Florida.
  • Shortly thereafter, the airline announced a significant overhaul ⁢of its ticketing strategies.
  • Although I had a satisfactory‍ experience, I believe some loyal Spirit customers may not be‍ thrilled with these updates.

Recently, I embarked on a ⁢whirlwind trip to Disney⁢ World. To minimize expenses, I opted for a same-day round trip from⁤ New York ‌to Orlando, foregoing hotel accommodation altogether by flying with Spirit Airlines.

In an era where fare prices seem constantly on the rise, trying out an ultra-low-cost ​carrier like Spirit‌ for my first time was hard to resist.

Despite sustained high ⁣consumer demand and stable ticket⁣ pricing trends​ across​ the industry, low-cost carriers ⁤are ⁣encountering challenges in achieving profitability. ‍For⁤ instance, ‍during the​ second quarter of this year alone, Spirit reported a staggering loss of $193 million. CEO Ted Christie remarked that although summer travel ⁤remains⁣ strong and occupancy rates are favorable, financial struggles‍ persist in⁢ their‌ operations.

This prompted Spirit to revamp its ticketing model beginning August 16 for flights starting August 27. The statement released by the airline noted: “Our new‌ travel options encompass various tiers catering to both budget-conscious and premium travelers.”

This fresh approach requires passengers ‍to choose packages categorized under titles such⁣ as​ Go, Go Savvy, ⁤Go Comfy, and Go Big rather than selecting specific amenities like snacks or extra legroom⁤ individually. This shift ‌comes amid rising customer dissatisfaction over existing fees without adequate‌ compensation for these additional services.

I had no prior experience flying with low-cost airlines in the United States before this journey; however, it soon⁢ became‍ apparent why these changes were necessary—and they may not resonate well with⁣ all passengers.

Spirit⁢ Airlines stands⁤ out as North America’s⁤ largest ultra-low-cost‍ carrier and ranks seventh among passenger airlines overall in North America.
Spirit ⁣Airlines
The airline is recognized for its distinctive ‍bright ‍yellow aircraft.

An ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) typically ⁣offers basic⁤ flight experiences where virtually every aspect ⁤incurs additional charges—from carry-on​ bags to seat selection—and services range from limited onboard refreshments to minimalistic seating arrangements often devoid‍ of personal screens.


Despite any preconceived notions about⁢ ULCCs such as Frontier ⁣or Spirit being inferior⁢ choices for air travel; they continue gaining popularity—accounting for nearly one-third ‍of global ​air traffic according to recent reports published by ‍ CNBC’s analysis.


The devoted following that Spirit commands throughout numerous U.S. cities shows that while fares have generally declined across markets—often‍ perceived higher due after accounting junk fees—the reality can indicate otherwise post-implementation of their new⁤ tiered ⁣system⁤ aimed⁣ at enhancing competitiveness ​amongst other‌ airlines starting mid-August giving way until major adjustments align fully alongside ‌technological advantages experienced via contemporary operating models ​outlined earlier on July 30—prior attempting another excursion!

I organized an affordable 24-hour visit itinerary centered around going down south bound directly into fun theme parts situated within Disney’s popular franchise ‌seen ​through booking ‌rounds poised perfectly priced⁤ under $240 roundtrip making very slight ⁣adjustments⁢ critical converting‍ potential bang-for-buck method successfully worked all along!
Gabbi before her adventurous day.
A very ‍early start—a wake-up ⁤call⁤ at three A.M.—was required upon reaching LaGuardia Airport promptly on ⁣schedule.
© Gabbi Shaw/Business Insider



Seamless Arrival at⁤ the Airport

To my delight, I discovered ⁤that I could leave my vehicle​ and reach the security checkpoint in just five minutes.

A Carousel of Yellow ⁤Aircraft

yellow spirit plane
The⁣ vivid yellow‍ aircraft ⁣stood out against‍ the​ darkening‌ sky.
⁤ ‌
Gabbi Shaw/Business⁢ Insider

Since its rebranding in 2014, ‌Spirit Airlines has become recognizable ⁤for its⁢ eye-catching yellow-and-black color scheme.

A travel ​industry expert once noted to a major news outlet that “the bright ‌hue makes the aircraft incredibly noticeable, akin ⁣to a taxi cab.” As I ‌spotted several iconic New York taxis parked nearby, I found myself ​agreeing ‌with this observation.

Navigating Through Brightly‍ Colored Signage

spirit terminal at laguardia
The airport ⁤terminal was full⁣ of activity.
Gabbi Shaw/Business Insider

Upon entering⁤ the terminal, I ⁤was guided by vibrant yellow signs prominently displayed throughout. It seemed like every direction led me‌ to more Spirit signage — one of which helped measure personal items for size compliance. An airline employee warned another passenger that should their carry-on exceed the specified dimensions to fit under⁤ a seat, they would incur an additional fee of $79 for stowing it ‍in overhead compartments;⁢ this was my first encounter ​with Spirit’s extra charges.

This ‌organized layout made it easy to navigate as there weren’t many passengers given that only one airline operated ‌from this section.

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    My Experience ⁢on Spirit Airlines: A Comprehensive Review

    Choosing Our Seats

    spirit ⁢flight seat back
    A simple pocket replaced what you might expect from ​a traditional in-flight entertainment system.

    Traveling⁤ alongside my mother, we aimed to secure adjacent seats, which we managed by ‌paying $21 each direction.

    The cost for selecting a seat begins at $5 and escalates based on specific seat choices;​ my preference for an aisle seat came at a higher⁣ price.

    The "Go"‌ tier still requires additional payment for seat selection. Passengers opting for "Go Savvy" ​can choose standard seating, while "Go Comfy" ensures either window ​or aisle options. ⁣The⁣ top tier, "Go Big," places‍ passengers in spacious Big Front Seats.

    Lacking an in-flight screen prompted me ⁢to actually pay attention to the‌ announcements, which were ⁢delivered in both English and Spanish.‌ I found this thoughtful ⁣since about 13% of the U.S. population speaks ⁣Spanish according ⁤to a 2021 report‌ from Forbes.

    The In-Flight Menu Experience

    spirit snacks and drinks ​pricing
    A bottle of water is priced at ⁣$4.49 aboard Spirit flights.
    ⁢ ⁤ <Your food options were not​ complimentary; I anticipated that snacks would incur additional costs but was shocked to find that even water ⁢wasn’t included without ⁣charge! Thankfully I carried my own bottle—otherwise longer trips‌ could have become frustrating due to extra ​expenses.

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    Spirit Airlines: A Surprising Experience on a Budget

    My recent ⁤journey ‌with Spirit Airlines left me pleasantly surprised. Initially, I approached the flight ⁢with some skepticism, but the overall experience turned out to be much better than I ‌anticipated.

    For expeditionary ​trips where time is of the essence and budget constraints are paramount, opting ​for Spirit’s basic “Go” tier is a practical choice. Although Spirit may not offer the luxury of spacious seating or complimentary⁢ meals found in higher-end airlines, it proves⁤ to be quite adequate⁣ for shorter journeys.

    When Comfort Matters Less

    If I were planning a lengthy ⁣trip that demanded more comfort and amenities, my inclination would likely sway towards a carrier that provides enhanced seating arrangements and meal ⁣options.‌ However, for quick​ getaways or spontaneous travel plans where efficiency is key, Spirit has earned its ⁣spot as ​my preferred airline.

    The ‌Shift in Travel Choices

    As travel trends evolve‌ post-pandemic, many passengers are prioritizing cost-effective flights over frills. According ‍to recent statistics from industry reports in 2023, low-cost carriers like Spirit saw an increase in passenger numbers by ⁤15%, reflecting that consumers ​increasingly ‌favor affordability without sacrificing too much comfort.

    This growing trend signifies a shift in how travelers approach their flying experiences; it’s all about finding the right balance between price and quality. As service standards​ rise across various budget airlines‍ globally—as seen ‌with competitors⁣ enhancing their offerings—consumers are now presented with diverse choices depending on their individual needs.

    Read further insights into budget airlines’ performance trends on leading business platforms.


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