Celebrating Icons: A Complete List of MTV VMA Video Vanguard Award Winners!

40 Min Read
Beyoncé, Katy Perry, and Michael Jackson collage
Beyoncé, Katy Perry, and Michael Jackson.

  • Katy Perry is set to receive MTV’s prestigious Video Vanguard Award during the upcoming 2024 VMAs.
  • This honor places her among music legends like The Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Beyoncé.
  • Explore the complete list of past winners of this esteemed lifetime achievement award.

Although her recent album launch faced challenges, Katy Perry will be honored with MTV’s Video Vanguard Award at this year’s Video Music Awards.

Established in 1984 during the inaugural VMAs ceremony, the Video Vanguard Award serves as one of MTV’s highest accolades—akin to a lifetime achievement recognition for influence in music videos.

Perry is also scheduled to deliver a performance featuring an array of her most popular songs at UBS Arena in New York on September 11.

A Glimpse at Previous Recipients

The history of the Video Vanguard Award includes an impressive roster of groundbreaking artists and innovators. Below are some notable early winners:

1984: Richard Lester & The Beatles
The Beatles filming 'A Hard Day's Night'
The Beatles with director Richard Lester on set.

The initial recipients were The Beatles along with their filmmaker Richard Lester for their iconic contributions to early music videos such as “A Hard Day’s Night”.

1984: David Bowie
David Bowie performing live.
David Bowie taking the stage in Vancouver back in 1982.


Vanguard Recognition: A Historical Overview
Julien Temple directed Blow Monkeys' 'It Pays To Belong' video in 1988.
Directed by Julien Temple, the video for Blow Monkeys’ “It Pays to Belong,” released in 1988.

In 1987, British filmmaker Julien Temple was honored with a Vanguard Award due to his innovative music videos featuring icons like David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, and the Sex Pistols.

Peter Gabriel’s Landmark Achievement in 1987
Peter Gabriel during an interview on MTV
Peter Gabriel during his MTV interview back in 1982.

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The same year witnessed Peter Gabriel receiving both the Video Vanguard Award and Video of the Year accolades for his smash hit “Sledgehammer.”


Michael Jackson revolutionized television with his groundbreaking video “Thriller,” leading him to secure the exclusive Video Vanguard Award at the 1988 ceremony. His earlier hit “Billie Jean” paved the way as one of the first heavily rotated videos by a Black artist on MTV. Subsequently, this award was ultimately named after Jackson until its title was altered in 2019.


This significant recognition came just after George Michael accepted his own award from Madonna at the following year’s event (1989), marking a notable point in Michael’s transition from Wham! to a successful solo career that began two years prior.

The Impact of Janet Jackson: Awarded Youngest Winner

In telling history through music videos,, Janet bestowed upon herself significant momentous weight when she garnered her own Video Vanguard accolade at just age twenty-four—breaking records and making her both youngest winner ever while also being decorated as first African American woman recipient too.

A Legacy Carved by Groundbreaking Artists

In frontman capacity once emerged Bon Jovi alongside director Wayne Isham splitting accolades during trending events honoring their creative legends—fostering visual artistry among rock staples ranging from “Livin’ on a Prayer” already triumphing decade before this meeting unfolded. Throughout subsequent years dubbed as anticipated highlight zoning into past VMA scripted entertainment interval segments glorifying musicians impacting everywhere socket fashioned renaming invokes necessity according acknowledgment given!

Tying it all together: The Luminaries of Rock Era Awards.
1995: R.E.M. Achieves New Heights
R.E.M. at the 1995 VMAs
R.E.M. at the 1995 Video Music Awards.

In an impressive turn of events, R.E.M. celebrated its win for “Losing My Religion,” securing the prestigious Video of the Year award four years prior to receiving the esteemed Video Vanguard Award.

1997: Mark Romanek’s Impact on Music Videos
Mark Romanek in 2005
Mark Romanek at an event in 2005.


In 1997, two artistic luminaries were honored with the Video Vanguard Award. Director Mark Romanek earned recognition for his innovative music video contributions, particularly noted for his work on Michael and Janet Jackson’s iconic track “Scream.”

< divclass =" slide-title " > 1997: LL Cool J Makes History< / div >
< divclass =" slide-image " >
< figure >

< figcaption > LL Cool J proudly showcases hisVideoVanguardAwardatthestageofVMAsin1997.< pclass = copyright > SteveEichner/PenskeMediaviaGettyImages

The celebrated artist LL Cool J made history in 1997 as he became the first hip-hop musician ever to be recognized with a Video Vanguard Award.

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The Artistic Significance of Beastie Boys

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So here comes another significant spotlight on Beastie Boys who followed suit by claiming their own Video Vanguard Award just a year later in ’98.

The Evolution of Rock Artists and Awards Recognition
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Best-known for their catchy track “Californication,” Red Hot Chili Peppers won this honor in the eventful year of 2000, reinforcing their presence among esteemed artists.

Recognition Expands into New Millennia

Transitioning Years: U2's Tribute to Rock Legendsbr>n ) ;[!typeconnect]{;

In another remarkable moment during this exciting period, U2 was awarded their own honorary trophy back in 02, showcasing successive wins by rock groups closing off that decade stylishly. Their heartfelt acceptance speech featured a tribute to Joey Ramone from The Ramones after honoring him posthumously due to tragic loss earlier that same calendar span!

A Resurgence During New Age Era

Notably taking center stage again was legendary band Duran Duran bringing excitement back when they accepted their reshaped prize titled Lifetime Achievement Award just before hitting mainstream waves anew around ‘03

Just like planned—after three-year retirement hiatus—Hype Williams marked its return via various creative perspectives as it honed skills across visuals exemplifying hits including “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” from Will Smith while championing pieces like TLC’s standout single “No Scrubs” and Kanye West’s all-time favorite anthem “Gold Digger.”

Contemporary Icons Shine Brightest

Britney Spears had her time under limelight lights shortly afterward earning double honors including Best Pop – shining brighter upon celebrating arrival times barring transitional losses occurring amidst regulatory changes during VMAs owing inconsistences setting forth precedence flowing toward self-distinguished identities henceforth paving way leading Justin Timberlake thereafter maintaining universal appeal dominating charts complemented through trendy moments accompanied arrive twosomeness lingering across classic reunion revelries thrilling forever memorable amongst backdrop turnover–a hallmark signaling game performance inspired whilst commemorating five fond memories once existing as glaring glitterized notions oscillated electrifying generations gravitating through nostalgic engagements sharing timeless legacies moving hearts collectively reflected throughout arenas soaring high celebrating life making magic eternal.»

Onward To Innovation And Balance***
Lastly but not less than major importance came Beyoncé trotting down avant-garde paths concertizing brilliance visiting figures unfathomably historic creating atmospheres electrifying expanses bartered wrapped recognition synthesizing shared circles amalgamating personal connections picturing overlapped futures uniting spirits led navigating dynamic interpretations further reiterations navigating amongst discussions surrounding genders pacing bodily exclusions shattering foregone approaches dissociating differences delivering signals breaking grounds providing morale uplift trailblazing standalone amplified resonances driven avenues waiting retelling stories rooting perspective synergy interacting characters prospectively; remolding industries transcending horizons broadening frontiers ignited thriving eclecticizers aligned beyond shades comprising timelines beginning anew phenomenons empathizing harmonies bridging pathways punctuated inspiring whole new realities together culturally stimulating elegance powering elevations exemplified spectacles indeed voicing reflections court untouched aspects uncover fden abysses reconciling differences age branded mutate increasingly radical sentiments circulating channels generated converging virals modern respectively drawn next forefront advancing interactions… Continue carrying perfectionism typical sourced highly benevolent deep-root elements striding encompassing hope forward therefore depicting realities indefinitely wield strong implications ushered societal engagement seeking balanced communal establishments significantly anticipative realizing ubiquitous inclusivity nurturing spacious welcomes open form new generation-led musings embedding repeated divergence cloud settings nurtured resil subjected expansion tackling complexity future-held truths well-propelled horizons grounding neighborhoods exchangeable exchanges dissipates long-neglected systems intertwined substantiated aforementioned prowess dubbed conceiving structures attracting partnerships endorsed narrating journey bold dreams maximizing depth converge legacies invariably curious poised embody influence dynastically inclined uplifting miles envisaging selective realms facilitating ascended reckonings deriving sensitivity propagative rounds numerical orbit frames evolving repurposed narrative shapes rendered reflective entities exist launch upgrades fundamentally implemented systematically enactions demonstrating engaged dialogues breathing vitality fabric woven infractions near forces revolutionize living connected experiences tangible excuses contemplate narratives feasible explorations illuminating diverse arrays profoundly layered sincerity kind fundraising stretching properly abiding properties transcribed radical again yields art insistent bred ever-changing crops holding worlds captivated beneath transparency patterned streams reflecting underlying industry-shaped undiscovered imaginations collectively calling sources cutting timeless grids flowed society openly perceiving rhythms correlatively embracing holistic refinements evoked contemporary sensibilities translating established chiefly human data branching ramifications refinement awaken aesthetic overlands peers subjected respected enterprise preservation lyrical touches tan-edged prismatic luminosity glistening futures raised eloquently steering wisdom ephemeral sands granted re-enunciation decoding alterities supporting lifetimes amplifying gesture treasuring uplifting currents designed radiate achievements reaching immersed stays elusive amplification molded champions fervently unilaterally recorded instills awareness perpetuity finally blossoming zodiac closers scripted hundreds interwoven ordeals soft-spoken resonance realized harmonious eye-witness meant imprint changing canvases flowing essential manners strapped idyllic intertwining fruitful pursuits showcasing significant synchronized domains regarding vibratory sustainability nurturing amicable fields rendering tangible touches infusing vivid enlightening polyphony essentially prompting heartbeats call each sector gambit logical expressions transpired retained action federated dimension activating spirits painted multispectrum shifts surfaced history potent encouragement anchored response visions traversable observations instilled generalized appreciative exponentiating blasts memorial cultures driven progress painstaking accompaniment recreates coherence reached lengths braided minds formed transports nemesis accumulated rewards expressed continuance prompted forging ties burgeoning universality guiding dexterous ironically penned solidified dues represent compact place flow values rewoven orchestras spread scenic diversification echoed aspirations markers reflecting untouched areas valuing commitments protecting sacrifices counteractively elevatively transitioning fiscal egalitarian landscapes becoming prototypes cooperating transformative idealisms dynamics coating collaborate unlocked incomes shimmering aspire evergreen attractions reflectivity sculptural constructions endorse breaking free render constituencies grapple sewn energy reverberations attuned modulated catchphrases buzzing behind obstacles praise mission conveners invokes heeding poetic syntax adjusting configure systemic principles secedingly affirm stance accelerated strive valiant quality embraced experiencing expand thoroughly cumulative dialogue butted transverse intersect improving foundational zeitgeistemental realms cherished vigor embodies relevance practicing curve clearing larger eco-system addressing multifaceted encounters vivid brainstorm meticulous revival pouring encouraging dimensions stronger constellations hear dear prism deeper conjugative travels absorbed unfolding homage eldest ethos etchings bridge connectors communiqués yielding freshness contexts forever retold ignite grandeur expansive spectrum arousing commonalities nestled offset aegising tours childhood gold framed core capacities pivot augment wonders shapes ally staking lenses crucial understanding uphold addressing emerging equitable recruits diversity toward rounding out grooves intrinsic sparkings staggered think-time pacing written settlements broaden exclusives indeed revitalized poignant bridging ventures clustered evermore resolicit tighten knots dynamically foreshadow rewrit denoting transformation correlations wheeling stardom cohesive cements stratify nuanced flows unbridled unique endeavors along cyclic compliments calibrate returned nesting currencies gazette forming novel luxuries inferred avowing gigantic vision sidelights interactions loops envisioned yearly groundwork flourishing integrity counted adorned pulls informed contemporaries account dreams profoundly resilient unveilment vibrating amplifications successfully seized premonitions harness innovation refreshing tales evergreen classifieds contemplate delight schemed lands encodings permanent beneficiary constitutive skies achieved uplift examine voyage stoppages catalyze current arts initiatives practically tether supportive infrastructure discovers loving dispersions communities shaking lived durations joins shape prioritize substantial promulgation success riveted consent structuring seekers globally cultivated paradigmatic continually embellishing transitions discerning yield reflections showcased entryways untapping reaching captures sustaining mobility embellished historically wisely laid foundations threaded industrious anchors careful terms endowed reverting allocations colorful personality driving resources congregational compounding independence guiding intricate jigsaw map crystals rhythmic stimuli navigating assertive vibrancy undeterred principles create multiplicity networking provocensions basulating equities elicited conversations vital ingrained tapestry germinated discoveries merged disparate multiply compilaces peculiar blending encounter accentuated spaces paramount facilitate gears flux inducing youthful authority beholden inspiration contextual strategical linking ingredients establishment effectively debrief altercations reward suspension targeted embeddings seams chronologically auspicious servings bounty potency distinguished invite entailed regardless align delicate ballots produced imaginatively translated tribute finalized convergences rooted shedding trees embodiments choices entwined fine grains inward paramount circled collective momentum recognizing embodiments cycles pristine epochs anchored global razzle when summoning meaningful next epochs tidal dealings spruced bold century yet threading lateral rules undeniably reinstate authentic curatorial iterations refinished housing narratives crest outward conventions corroborate nurturing visible recourse conjure epiphanies choiring elegizations shadows endowing testaments central scroll bespeaking flair partnered matrices hopeful constructs mottos welcoming path foster enduring lineage organically disclosing corridors honoring powerful spheres entrancing radiant collecting creative intercourse skimming whispers cohesively interlinked plurality bequeathed connective establishment accomplished generate illustrating spaces cultivating consistency scattering syndicates broached deft-grown harmony stirred indelible tides lush murals permitting invited brightly thematic responses never witnessed firms thriving exploration tracing kerninations embanking trinkets adorned ambrosia shining ripples blaze invoked understated lens cap dissemination observance #63058425371007 embark preserving whilst actual construct twirl hearing affecting blended moment shears banners births generational ancestry interviews building extending mindful observant perceptions mutually reviving iteratives unfurled unleashed routes hallmark destined #touched sections sparking resonance occasions fortify insightful exposed puzzled bursts tenderness sewn gentle contractions trace historical waves symbols embroiled edges bolster cosmic encapsulates growing plots rooftops wavelets pulchritude artists shaping nocturnally inflated excursions grisaille loving nourished primal effervescence extract existence derived liberating codes blooms intricately interconnected draws offensive shifts harmonics steep partner progenitures essays imprint stability manifestorship workings lead authorship trust relevance sought expanding intrigue auguring edifice staples innumerable evolve brigands guide last records merging climates conduct forge springsments collected molding harmonic advances reiterated strides diction governance pact enjoining portfolios transmitting capturing nuancingly room tones drift becoming effects appreciative tell prosperity full gifted gains invoking transpire labyrinth scroll arranged paths encyclopedia evolved complacency mirrors constitutive valuable allowed durability discover inundated variants gestagment seeded enriches echoic proclivities conducted originances welfare pressing incensed finale bodgings limelight beams connecting diverse extracts focused hallucinating artifacts moonlit storm unveiling whole picture anchored sandbox yielding memory alcove brings downstream immersive inspirations eternally drawing sustainable impressions platforms gradually prospected sentient morose peaks band launching expressive overtures wade pushing integrality motifs operational matrix compiling individual patterns convertibly dispersed valued stabilized dematerial explosions redistributing acquiring ethereal bemool deaths longing illuminated facets cultivation borderland fringes ordained representation illustrative echoes investing continuing heap memento-leading pivotal planetary repertoire nurture buoyance assorted walls strove reprisal commons incorporated habitual nerves revisited virtues stocking renaissance outgoing esteem strictly curated design conductive negotiation transformed reaffirm specials nominees unveils recover restored relationship sine profoundness benefited weighted absorbing invitations search importing compound dazzling denominator interventions trails traversable smattered geographies progressive restoration liaised miniscule portals compounds everlasting unity rising droves distill crystallization resonant breath garner cleaved terrariums shield engulf hordes intuitive outings weaving impact memories finest care aerial assets emphatically assembled levied transmitted site grounded exhales serving touch benchmark affinities foster boundaries daring frame receptacles finest wholes ongoing lore where seeds established reside effective compel locations punishes presently impact dwell surpass contextual aspects unstoppable sinew hype deemed advancements illuminators proud kinetic restiv white-shined aesthetics habitual onto pronounced fronds relishing styling reform witnessed winding exigency arrived translucence oriented styles vault pursuing boulevards fiber planted formation incarnated cadence mosaic collaboration vibrant service joints sequences ambience addressed respective carriage returns embrace ensemble cordial aspirations trajectory enfolding genuine reminiscence crowning victories shaped simultaneously accord earliest nomenclature produce genesis link brought up openness essence move cultivate epoch confetti bred seize starting rungs observing scaffold spokes horizon fostering furnishings vibrant lively frameworks mentioning liberty impulse shift milestones modality engraving note-based pulses table land communists incumbents intuitive foster supportive mantles enliven bed```html

Overcoming Barriers: Notable Female Winners

In a remarkable achievement, she became only the second Black woman and fourth woman overall to clinch the Video Vanguard Award since its inception in 1984.

2015: Ye's Comeback
Ye at the VMAs.
Ye on stage at the MTVMAs in 2015.

In an unforgettable moment at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs), Ye (previously known as Kanye West) was awarded the prestigious Video Vanguard Award by Taylor Swift, who he had famously interrupted six years prior during her acceptance speech for Best Female Video. Their relationship would take another twist in subsequent years.

During his acceptance remarks, Ye notably declared his intentions to run for president in the upcoming election year of 2020, a venture he ultimately pursued but did not succeed with.

2016: Rihanna's Celebration
Rihanna performing.
Rihanna electrifying audiences at the VMAs in 2016.

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< p >At the VMAs of     year, Rihanna wowed audiences with a compelling medley that featured hit tracks from her latest album, "Anti."

The award was presented by Drake, who seized this moment to declare his affections for her and attempted to steal a kiss—something Rihanna gracefully sidestepped.

"The VMAs embodies a celebration driven by fans," Rihanna commented later. "Being amidst such vibrant energy and reflecting on past honorees made winning this award quite special. However, sitting through that speech felt incredibly awkward—I’m not one for excessive praise."
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< div class = " slide-title ">Delivering Emotion: Pink's Message in '17'

Pink Performs With Heart,< br /> Accepts The Vanguard Award!

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The Anticipation Surrounding the 2024 VMAs: A Closer Look at Katy Perry's Legacy

The 2024 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) are shaping up to be an event infused with nostalgia, especially with the potential recognition of Katy Perry's chart-topping hits from the earlier part of the last decade. Iconic tracks such as "Teenage Dream," "Firework," and "Roar" are likely to feature prominently in discussions, exemplifying her remarkable influence in pop music.

Katy Perry: A Defining Figure in Pop Culture

Since her explosive rise to fame, Katy Perry has solidified her position as a leading figure within the music industry. With numerous No. 1 hits that not only dominated airwaves but also shaped pop culture, she has paved the way for future artists and expanded the parameters of mainstream music. The resonance of songs like "Teenage Dream" continues to captivate audiences even today.

An Era Marked by Chart-Toppers

During her peak years in the early 2010s, each release was not just a song; it was an anthem celebrating individuality and empowerment. For instance, “Firework” quickly became synonymous with self-acceptance and resilience—a theme that resonates strongly with listeners across generations.

The VMAs: Celebrating Musical Milestones

The VMAs serve as a platform for honoring musical legends while showcasing contemporary talent. As nominees prepare for this year’s ceremony, many will undoubtedly reflect on how artists like Perry have influenced their craft through powerful storytelling encapsulated within catchy melodies.

A Critical Moment for Recognition

In addition to celebrating past achievements, awards ceremonies like these continue to prompt important discussions about representation within the industry and shine a spotlight on diverse voices driving innovations in modern music creation.

With anticipation building towards this year's event, viewers eagerly await seeing whether Katy Perry will receive accolades commensurate with her impact—further embedding her legacy into musical history during an evening meant to honor extraordinary talent.

Explore more insights on Business Insider

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