Master Workplace Etiquette: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Interacting with Coworkers

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Three individuals ⁤seated at a desk using desktop computers in an office.
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Employees should ​steer clear of certain behaviors in the workplace.

  • Business Insider consulted an etiquette expert on common pitfalls to avoid when‍ engaging ‍with colleagues.
  • The⁢ expert emphasized that gossiping or ‍mocking others⁢ is never ⁣acceptable.
  • Punctuality⁣ and awareness ‌of body language are essential for showing respect in a professional environment.

From sharing⁣ rumors ⁤to arriving late for meetings, ‍employees frequently make minor errors while interacting ⁢with their peers. While⁣ these missteps may not be intended as disrespectful, they can still tarnish one’s⁢ professional image. As more organizations transition back‍ to in-person work, refreshing our understanding ​of⁤ workplace etiquette becomes increasingly important.

This prompted Business Insider to speak with etiquette specialist Mariah Grumet, who shared insights on what⁢ behaviors should be avoided when dealing with coworkers. Here’s her advice.

Steer‌ Clear of Gossiping—No ‌Matter Your Relationship

While it might seem like gossiping ⁤could foster camaraderie among coworkers, Grumet warns that it’s ultimately an inappropriate ⁣way to connect.

“We often⁢ form close bonds with colleagues, but there remains a necessary ⁣boundary,” ⁤she explained. “Spreading rumors about⁢ others within the office is simply unacceptable.”

Topics Best Left Outside the Office

A group of six people‍ collaborating at a communal desk in an⁤ office.

Avoid ‍discussing​ sensitive subjects with your coworkers.

“Certain discussions are better suited for outside the workplace,” Grumet advised. ‌”Avoid ‌delving ‍into overly​ personal‍ matters‍ such as religion, ‍politics, health issues, or appearance—topics that may​ infringe upon personal boundaries.”

It’s crucial⁤ to recognize that some subjects can be sensitive​ for others and thus inappropriate within a ‌ professional context.

“Even if ​you share a close rapport with ‌someone at work, maintaining professionalism ​in your conversations‍ is vital,” Grumet added.

Always Be On Time for Meetings

Respecting ‍others’ time begins with being punctual.

Grumet emphasizes‍ that arriving on time—whether you’re attending or leading a meeting—is not only respectful ‌but also demonstrates your commitment to your responsibilities.

“Punctuality reflects your ⁣professional persona,” she stated ⁢succinctly.

Avoid Making Jokes⁤ That ‌Target Others

Grumet cautions against making jokes at another person’s expense ‌since ‌humor can often be misinterpreted.

Be Aware⁢ of Your Body Language When‌ Engaging With Colleagues

Your body‌ language ‍can significantly impact ‌how you’re perceived⁢ by others.
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In ‍addition to verbal communication and‍ tone used during interactions at work; being conscious about non-verbal cues plays an ​equally important role.

According ​To Mariah: “People tend pay ⁤closer attention ‌towards⁢ body language than words ‌spoken.”

When communicating ensure gestures align well without⁤ creating disconnects between message conveyed versus received.

Examples ⁤include‍ leaning forward attentively during​ meetings indicating⁣ active listening ‍rather than crossing arms which may signal ‌disinterest.

Read the‍ original article ‍on Business Insider


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