50 States, 6 Lessons: My Travel Blunders and What They Taught Me!

2 Min Read


Emily standing outside‌ her car amidst autumn leaves.
After exploring all 50 states, ‍there are several things I wish I had approached differently.

  • Having traveled solo to all 50 states, ⁢I’ve ​identified​ some areas for improvement.
  • I should have weighed the drawbacks of visiting certain destinations during off-peak seasons.
  • I regret not establishing a more systematic method for documenting my experiences with photos and⁣ journal entries.

My journey into solo ⁤travel began nearly‍ ten years ago when I turned 30. Initially, I didn’t‍ set out with the ambition ⁣to visit ‍every state or national park; my ⁤primary goal was simply to explore new places.

As my travels progressed, so did my aspirations. Nearly two years ago, I completed my quest by visiting‌ the last of the 50 states. However, this journey was not without its share of missteps—some significant ones at that.

While I’m not one to dwell on regrets, there are valuable ​lessons I’d like to share with fellow travelers considering a similar adventure.

Mistakes Made on My Journey Across All States

I often overlooked nearby states in my travel plans.

Emily⁣ in front of a vibrant sign welcoming visitors to Stowe, Vermont.
Vermont was the final ⁤state⁢ on my⁤ list; better planning⁣ could have allowed me ⁣to visit it sooner.

This may ⁢seem obvious, but I frequently failed ⁣to consider visiting neighboring states together ⁣while ​organizing trips. For instance, despite ‍multiple visits to Maine in the Northeast region, Vermont ended ‌up being the last state I explored.

⁣ << p>I thoroughly enjoyed dedicating time solely for Vermont; however it would have been far more efficient and economical had I⁣ included it as‍ part‌ of another trip in that‌ region.
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<< h3>I sometimes bypassed⁢ attractions thinking I’d return later during another visit.

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‍ ⁤ ⁤ << img src='https://i.insider.com/670ea9e33f2165d716e10fa1?format=jpeg' height='1172' width='1563' alt='Emily relaxing on rocks at sunset near Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport.' />
<< figcaption>>I wish I’d ventured beyond just coastal Maine.< p class = 'copyright'> Emily Hart< / p ><< / figcaption >>
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‌ ⁢ <<< p > In hindsight , spending ‌additional⁤ time​ exploring certain locations would ​have been more fulfilling than rushing through them .< / p >
​ ​ <<< p > With an overarching goal ‌of seeing all fifty ​states ‍, there were times when urgency led me past interesting sites within each state​ .< / p >
‍ ‍ ⁣ <<< p > Given that ‍annual trips ⁤are limited ,⁣ it’s challenging predicting when I’ll revisit these places .< / p >
‍ ‌<<< p > For example , ⁤taking time away from coastal attractions in Maine ⁤could’ve opened doors⁣ for discovering its ⁣inland treasures .< / p >
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⁢ >>>>< h3 > The ‍downsides of ⁢offseason travel⁣ weren’t always‌ clear. >< h3 >>
⁤ ‍ ‍ >>>>< divclass =' slide-image '>
​ ⁣ ‍ >>>>< figure >< img src =' https :// i . insider . com/670eaa656ac7b701e7cb5564 ? format = jpeg ' height ='1152' width ='1536' alt =' Emily taking a selfie among cacti in Arizona '/ >< figcaption > Visiting Arizona during August⁢ proved ‍challenging due‍ to extreme heat.< P CLASS = ' copyright '> Emily ⁤Hart< P >

⁣ >>>>< P > ⁣While⁤ offseason travel can offer lower prices and fewer crowds , it also ⁣limited some ‍experiences​ across various regions due ⁤primarily weather conditions leading closures or restrictions .
‍ ⁣ ‍ ‍ ⁢ ‍ >>>>< P > For⁣ instance ,⁤ experiencing Arizona’s beauty became⁣ difficult during August’s sweltering temperatures which confined outdoor activities mainly mornings and evenings‌ .
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⁢ ⁣ ⁢ >>>< H3>I spent excessive hours driving instead‍ of enjoying stops⁣ along the way.

>>>< Div Class =" slide-image ">
​ ‌ >>>< Figure >< Img Src =" https :// i . insider . com/670eabb13f2165d716e112b2 ? format = jpeg " Height ="1152 " Width ="1536 " Alt =" Emily standing outside her car surrounded by fall colors "/ >< FigCaption>The long drives took away from ‍opportunities​ for exploration along scenic routes.

⁢ ​ ⁢ >>>< Div Class =" slide-content ">
⁢ ⁢ ⁤ >>>< P>The vastness found out West is undeniable‌ ;⁤ while long drives ‌can ‌showcase stunning landscapes , frequent stops enhance overall enjoyment.
​ ⁤ ​ >>=P When embarking upon this journey towards seeing every single state initially meant spending four-to-six hours daily behind-the-wheel ; reflecting back now makes me realize how much richer those moments would’ve been if only I’d ​paused ​occasionally .
⁢ >>=P Many subsequent adventures involved revisiting areas previously⁢ passed over wishing they’d received attention earlier.
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