14 Breathtaking Images That Capture the Magic of the 2024 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards

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In Southern California, Jack Zhi observed a young Peregrine Falcon honing its basic hunting abilities. After a week of practice, the fledgling successfully captured a butterfly mid-air. Zhi seized the moment ⁣and ⁣took a ⁤photograph.

A young falcon ⁣targets a monarch butterfly with its talons visible as it leaps into action.
Category:‌ Bird Behaviour. SILVER AWARD ⁤WINNER.

This young Peregrine Falcon ‌had been flying for⁤ over a week, showing daily ⁢improvement in its skills. While​ still dependent on⁤ its ⁣parents for food,⁣ it began to practice hunting techniques. Although not yet ‍adept at ‍catching live birds in flight, it started by pursuing fluttering butterflies. The fledgling demonstrated‌ remarkable speed and agility⁣ to keep up with the ‍delicate creature. Look at that ​focus! Occasionally successful, it would catch the butterfly, play with it briefly before letting it go free again. Having photographed peregrines ‍for years, ⁤this was​ my first encounter witnessing⁤ fledglings engaging playfully with butterflies.Credit: Jack Zhi, ​United ‍States/Bird Photographer of the Year 2024

The ⁣striking image above‌ encapsulates the ⁢intense focus of the ⁣falcon‍ as it zeroes in ‍on its target—the fluttering butterfly.‍ “The fledgling was successful occasionally;‌ after catching​ one, it would play with​ it⁤ momentarily before releasing,” Zhi ‍remarked. This ‍captivating photograph ​earned silver honors in the Bird Behaviour category at the 2024 ‍Bird ⁢Photography of the Year competition.

This year’s contest saw over 23,000 submissions from photographers worldwide⁤ across eight categories. The ​coveted title‍ of Bird Photographer of the Year was awarded to Canadian photographer Patricia ‌Homonylo for ⁢her poignant piece titled “When Worlds Collide” (shown below). This powerful ​image ⁤depicts ⁣more than 4,000 ‌deceased birds that‌ fell victim to collisions with windows and other reflective surfaces found in urban⁤ environments.

Numerous dead ‌birds arranged on ground.
Category: Conservation​ (Single Image). GOLD AWARD WINNER AND BIRD PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR⁢ 2024

Each ⁣spring and fall migration ‍season sees approximately 1.3 billion birds perish ⁢due to window collisions⁣ across North America alone. A dedicated​ network of volunteers ventures out each morning to collect these fallen creatures’‍ remains—an effort led by FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program), which has been active for over‌ three​ decades globally searching for bird‍ collision victims each day after ‍such incidents occur.
The annual‌ ‘Bird Layout’ event honors these lost lives⁢ through an emotional display ⁤where ‍volunteers arrange their ⁢bodies artistically ‍while raising awareness about this critical issue affecting avian populations worldwide.Credit: Patricia Seaton‍ Homonylo ⁣Canada/Bird Photographer of the Year‌ 2024

Submissions⁢ are now open⁣ for‌ photographers⁢ interested in participating in next year’s competition—the 2025 ⁤Bird Photographer of The Year .⁣ (To view images fully ‌expanded click here.)

A penguin riding atop waves.
Category: Birds In Their Environment.SILVER​ AWARD WINNER.

During my visit to Falkland Islands⁤ back ​autumn last year⁢ I discovered an area along‌ one⁢ beach where Gentoo Penguins ⁣surfed ‍through​ waves returning ​from their fishing expeditions! After several attempts I‍ finally captured ⁣exactly‌ what I envisioned! Historically‍ people hunted‍ entire colonies including⁢ Gentoo Penguins primarily targeting‍ their eggs⁣ as ​food sources while also valuing them due largely‌ because​ they contained fat used mainly rendered oil lighting ⁤purposes.Credit : Levi Fitze ⁣, Switzerland /Bird ⁣Photographer Of ‍The Year 2024⁤

< figure Class = " wp - block - image Size - full " >
< img Width = " 1600 " Height = " 1067 " Loading = ' lazy ' Src = ' https : // www . popsci . com / wp - content / uploads / 2024 /10 / Gold - Birds - In - The - Environment . jpg ? strip = all & amp ; quality =85 ' Alt =" Three underwater swimming birds illuminated by sunlight above." Class =" wp-image-661198 "/>
< figcaption Class =" wp-element-caption">< strong > ‍ “IMMERSION” ​ < br > Category ‍: Birds‍ In Their ⁢Environment.GOLD AWARD WINNER.< br >< br > Here we see three Northern Gannets diving ‍into‌ ocean waters under ‌bright⁣ sunshine off Shetland coastlines ! As Scotland’s largest⁢ seabirds they excel remarkably well ‌within aquatic​ environments capable reaching depths up-to twenty-two meters when diving downwards⁢ ! Captured​ during scuba dive‌ near Noss—home UK’s seventh-largest ⁤colony ‍estimated around⁣ twenty-five thousand individuals although sadly numbers⁢ have drastically declined following‌ recent avian flu ⁤outbreaks leaving uncertainty regarding⁢ future recovery prospects . Dead herring sourced locally attracted these⁣ magnificent ​creatures towards our ⁣boat during shoot session !< em > Credit : Kat Zhou , United ⁣States/Bird Photographer ‍Of The ‌Year  2024

< figure Class =" wp-block-image Size-full ">

< fig caption Class="' WP ELEMENT CAPTION">< strong>“OPEN DOOR”< br /> Category : Comedy Bird ⁣Photo.SILVER AWARD WINNER.

Captivating‌ Moments in Bird Photography: A Showcase ‍of Talent

Eastern Screech Owl: A Hidden Gem

Eastern Screech Owl peeking out of a tree ⁢hole

‌ ​ ‌ ⁤ ⁣ ‌This small ⁣owl is‌ frequently found in the urban landscapes​ of Florida. On my commute​ to work, I noticed a ⁣dead palm tree ‌in Clearwater ⁢with ​intriguing holes. Upon‍ revisiting later⁢ that day, I⁣ discovered this owl curiously peering ​from⁢ its cavity. During nesting season, Eastern Screech Owls often utilize existing holes in trees for their nests.
‌ ‍ ⁣ ​
Credit: Robert Gloeckner, United States/Bird Photographer⁤ of⁤ the ⁣Year⁤ 2024

A Nighttime Encounter ⁣with ⁣Helmetshrikes

Helmetshrikes huddling ​together at night

⁤ ‍ ⁣ Category: Comedy Bird Photo. BRONZE ⁢AWARD WINNER.

During a safari in Sabi Sands, South Africa, we paused on our way ⁣back to camp one chilly March evening after hearing unusual sounds overhead. As we shone our vehicle’s lamp ‍into the darkness, we spotted these helmetshrikes ⁣clustering together as temperatures dropped—a memorable moment ⁢amidst Africa’s wildlife.
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Credit: ⁣Gary Collyer, United Kingdom/Bird Photographer of​ the Year 2024

The Graceful ⁣Adélie Penguin

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‍ Category:⁢ Comedy Bird Photo. GOLD AWARD WINNER.

⁤ ‌ ​ While aboard‌ a Zodiac near Brown Bluff⁣ in Antarctica with my⁤ husband⁤ and son,⁤ we observed⁣ a group of Adélie Penguins ‍on sea ice. ​As we approached quietly, one penguin began sliding​ across the ice as if performing an elegant dance move—an ‍unforgettable ‍sight!
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Credit: Nadia Haq, United ​States/Bird‍ Photographer of ⁣the Year ​2024.

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Wildlife Encounters in⁤ West Virginia

In ⁤West Virginia, a bear carcass revealed the harsh realities of⁢ nature. The ⁣animal had succumbed⁤ to mange, evident from the noticeable patches of missing fur. After receiving permission to investigate further, I set up⁤ a ‍DSLR ⁢camera trap to⁤ capture images of various wildlife drawn to ⁢the scene‍ for scavenging. This setup ⁣remained active‌ for six months, and as spring approached,‌ a Turkey Vulture became a⁤ regular ​visitor, often spending ​hours⁣ at the site.

Credit: ⁣Nathaniel Peck, United States/Bird Photographer of the Year 2024
two baby owls ⁤on an apartment building side

Category: Urban Birds. SILVER AWARD WINNER.

A resident installed a nest box among flowerbeds on his terrace⁤ that attracted Common Kestrels seeking ‍shelter. These birds have adapted ⁣well to urban environments due to plentiful food sources and suitable​ nesting sites provided by tall buildings. By adding ⁤more nest boxes like this ⁢one,⁢ we can enhance their living conditions ​further.⁢ Using a wide-angle lens ‍allowed me to capture several ⁤images that I later combined into​ a panoramic view showcasing ⁤the urban backdrop behind⁢ these birds.Credit: Boldizsár⁤ Szűcs,⁣ Hungary/Bird Photographer of the Year 2024

A mother Merganser navigating through ​traffic with ‍her ducklings

Category:​ Urban Birds. GOLD‌ AWARD WINNER.

The ‍Goosanders breed in parks located about one ⁤kilometer from Poland’s vital River Vistula. Due ‍to ‍limited food and safety concerns in their breeding grounds, mothers must quickly guide their‌ young ones towards the river using underground passages ​and crossing busy highways along the way. Each year volunteers ⁣step⁣ in to halt traffic during this perilous journey ensuring safe ‌passage for these vulnerable ducklings as they make ‌their way toward nourishment at River ‌Vistula where they can thrive.

This image ⁤captures a ​mother Goosander opting not to use an intimidating underground tunnel but instead crossing over ‌a⁣ smaller road with assistance from⁢ volunteers who⁢ stop ⁢traffic while capturing ‍this remarkable event on camera every late April in Warsaw.Credit: ‌Grzegorz‌ Długosz, Poland/Bird Photographer of ⁢the Year 2024

‍ Source:
⁣ https://www.popsci.com/environment/2024-bird-photographer-of-the-year/


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